BBO fumed (No. 80)

Bamboo backed osage with flipped tips

heavily trapped (45°)profile

extreme skinny tips, cow horn on tips and arrow pass

hadn’t much wood to play with – had to follow the grain of the osage, so got some character

ratio boo/osage = 50/50

incredible low mass of only 345 g (12 oz),

57” ntn



some pics before fuming …

fumed BBO from K. - 1 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 2 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 3 von 21

after a gentle fuming …

fumed BBO from K. - 4 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 5 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 6 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 7 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 8 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 9 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 10 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 11 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 12 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 13 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 14 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 15 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 16 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 17 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 18 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 19 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 20 von 21 fumed BBO from K. - 21 von 21




Some very very nice bows in your gallery!
I really like this one (among others),
is it for sale?
Do you make custom bows?

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