elm flat 65#/28″ (No. 16)

66,5″ ntn
mass: 503grams
stiff handle 4″
fade 7″ each

at handle: 22/45 mm
at fadeout: 41/17 mm   (7″ from handle)
at midlimb: 38/15 mm
at tip: 12/15 mm
gentle heat treated, took about 1,5 ” set, swamp oak overlays, three colour dyed back, string 6 strands 452 X strengthened at the ears with 2 x 2 strands B50 each, arrow pass is “inlay” of earth pigments (stone powder) + glue


This elm bow is beautiful!
2 quick questions:
I am assuming the numbers are metric dimensions, but what is the “/” with 2 numbers, just confirming that is upper-limb/lower limb?
Would you mind sharing how you do the lnlayed strike plate? They are very well done. Is the area burned with a stamp before filling with material?
Thanks very much.
Tim Davis
Vermont, USA

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