This bow is 59” ntn, HLD (hollow limb design).
Take down with homemade sleeves, one tip is wrapped, one filed selfnock.
String is 6 strands 452X, thickened at the ears with B50.
A buildalong is in the ‘how to’ section, here!
Asymmetrical bow, the two parts of the take down have the same length.
dear Simon,
thanks again.
this thread ist awesome, many thanks for sharing those build alongs, very interestingly for most of us newbies.
and now I also understand the sense of a hollow limb design
Thank you for your interest, I will do a detailed article about HLD. Hopefully it clearifies that thing a bit and of course I’m waiting for the experience and insights of you folks. In my own opinion HLD is big push foreward and there are many things to discover …
Dang that’s pretty.
Dear Simon
i have virtually no bow building experience . i have attempted to make one bow this winter out of some very large bamboo i have access to . I made many many mistakes but i learned alot . I was trying to make a laminant bow out of the bamboo, but now that i have seen your articles about HLD bows i was wondering about that with this large bamboo. It would seem to me to be almost naturally have a HLD design. I was wondering what your thoughts on making a bow out of this large bamboo (some of this is 2 to 3 inches in diameter). Could the shape of the hollow bamboo be carved to make a HLD bow?
Thanks John Agostinelli . I loved your bows by the way!
Thanks for your kind words, John.
Bamboo + HLD: maybe possible with a thick walled species. Maybe vertically splits can be avoided with a rawhide or linnen backing on the bellyside.
Hope you don’t mind, I would suggest making first simple D-bows. HLD is the most complicated design I know.
If You like to use your boo, do a google search for ‘Buthanese bow’, it’s a simple but efficient design. Good luck on your project!