This bow came from a saved splinter with almost the dimensions it has now. So it looks a bit weird as it is in some sections narrower than it should be, the good thing is I had enough wood to react on the bellyside. All I had to scrape off was a handful flakes. I had some bows and blancs prepared for fuming (I do always 5-8 at one time), this was one of them.
Before fuming (one week), the stick got a salt treatment (I cannot remember tablesalt or borax).
Some little heat corrections and some untwisting brought the thing in balance.
Cross section is a wavy, but more or less flat back and a half round belly. So I call it not a plains type, just stick bow instead.
The stave had some cracks (mostly along the grain), I filled them with super glue after the fuming process (otherwise the ammonia attacks the glue). The fuming brought a super smooth surface and belonging to the light that stick looks sometimes black as night and gets warm browns when the sun hits. Hard to show that in photos.
She has pin nocks and just a brass nail as arrow marker.
I dispensed with a handle wrapping because of the really beautiful colors.
dw/dl: 44#/23”
ntn: 47”
bh: 4”
max. w.: 1“
reflexi: 1½”
reflexn: ½”
mass: 302 gram
06“: 05,7
08”: 09,7 (+4,0)
10”: 13,4 (+3,7)
12”: 16,9 (+3,5)
14”: 21,0 (+4,1)
16”: 25,2 (+4,2)
18”: 29,7 (+4,5)
20”: 34,5 (+4,8)
22”: 40,0 (+5,5)
23”: 43,6 (+3,6)

Your bows are so beautiful, it’s hard for me to put into words how they make me feel. Simon you are an artist of the highest caliber. I have an Osage stave 1”x1”x70”. Would you have a suggestion as to what I could build from it? I’ve built a few bows but I’m mostly a novice. Thank you Simon.
Thanks for your nice compliment Steve!
I’ve sent you a pm.