This was a super nice stave from dark osage, very dense wood. Nearly flawless, only some marginal pin knots. Bad thing was it was very crooked and twisted, so it needed some time and several sessions to bring it line and balance. At handle section an additionally ring allows a nicer curve and more comfort to grip.
She has string grooves for safety (prevent string slipping).
Tip overlays and arrow pass is a combo from buffalo horn and bone. Handle is stingray leather.
dw/dl: 44#/27”
ntn: 60”
bh: 6”
max. w.: 1½“
reflexn: 3½”
mass: 535 gram
stiff handle
08”: 05,0
10”: 10,9 (+5,9)
12”: 15,4 (+4,5)
14”: 19,4 (+4,0)
16”: 23,3 (+3,9)
18”: 26,9 (+3,6)
20”: 30,6 (+3,7)
22”: 34,1 (+3,5)
24”: 37,8 (+3,7)
26”: 41,7 (+3,9)
27”: 43,7 (+2,0)
[img]insert link[/img]
alt 5 = [
alt 6 = ]

great looking bow Simon! good to see some work from you again! hope everything is well with you and your family!! regards from Portugal!!!
Thanks my friend!A few days ago I found the pics from the workshop in Portugal again, we had a great time with you and your friends. We definitely should meet again!
Regards from Bavaria.