The stave for this bow was nice and clean. Only little heat corrections were necessary for string alignment. The recurves are steamed in. String lift off is at 18″.
Tip overlays are also osage, out of a heart/sap wood combo, glued on with epoxi before the fuming process(6days). The slim levers have a string groove to prevent string slipping off.
Arrow pass is a combo of abalone shell and buffalo horn.
I preferred a glossy finish in this case to fit the flowing lines and the beautiful grain.
The bow was built in 2016, but I forgot to post.
dw/dl: 45#/28”
ntn: 65½”
bh: 5”
max. w.: 1⅜ “
reflexn: 3”
mass: 556 gram
08”: 07,7
10”: 12,5 (+4,8)
12”: 16,8 (+4,3)
14”: 20,7 (+3,9)
16”: 24,5 (+3,8)
18”: 27,9 (+3,4)
20”: 31,0 (+3,1)
22”: 34,0 (+3,0)
24”: 37,3 (+3,3)
26”: 41,0 (+3,7)
28”: 45,0 (+4,0)