Osage deflex reflex 46/26” (No. 115)

This bow was fumed after an alum treatment. The side profile and some minor corrections are done with dry heat. The narrowed handle got a hemp wrap; tips are buffalo; silencers from muscrat fur.

This design allows a long draw from this relative short stick. Maybe good for flight shooting.

dw/dl: 46#/26”

ntn: 49”

bh: 4⅛”

max. w.: 1½“

reflexi: 35 mm

reflexn: 22 mm

mass: 315 gram


bendy handle

06”: 05,0

08”: 09,5 (+4,5

10”: 13,0 (+3,5)

12”: 16,2 (+3,2)

14”: 19,5 (+3,3)

16”: 23,0 (+3,5)

18”: 26,7 (+3,7)

20”: 30,7 (+4,0)

22”: 35,4 (+4,7)

24”: 40,4 (+5,0)

26”: 46,0 (+5,6)

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