Osage flatbow with croc grip 49#/26” (No. 127)

This is a simple flattie with nice even reflexed limbs, but has lot of character. In the upper limb are two little holes. She got a self nocks for a rustic look, the upper is a side nock. I renounced on building up the handle portion, here are three pieces of croc leather mounted with almost invisible joint. The stick was in the fuming pipe for a week and so it looks like years old.

I like this simple and effective design.

dw/dl: 49#/26”

ntn: 56”

bh: 5¼”

max. w.: 1⅜“ and 1 ⅝” at the first hole

reflexn: 2½”

mass: 431 gram


bendy handle

species: maclura pomifera

08”: 09,3

10”: 14,9 (+5,6)

12”: 19,7 (+4,8)

14”: 23,6 (+4,9)

16”: 27,7 (+4,1)

18”: 31,5 (+3,8)

20”: 35,4 (+3,9)

22”: 39,5 (+4,1)

24”: 44,0 (+4,5)

26”: 48,8 (+4,8)

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