Osage static, 55#/28″ (No. 47)

This bow is asymmetrical with a positive tiller of about 7 mm. Limbs are dead flat on belly, on the back a shallow crown. The fades are 6” long (widest part of limb – to handle). String groove filed into the levers. It was a nice clean stave, only two pin knots with no problems.
Recurves are steam bent, string alignment corrected with steam + dry heat.
Finish will be several coats of hardening oil ( only the first is on yet).
The bow is not heattreated.



I would love to purchase a bow similar to this. Your bows are amazing. Please contact me if possible. Thank you sir.

If there is any way you could send me an estimated price for a bow such as this I would appreciate it very much. I can only imagine how great it would be to hunt with one of your pieces of art. Thank you sir

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