Thuja paddle 15#/26” (No. 142) Tags bendy handle, flatbow, naked handle, paddle bow, pin nock, symmetric, thuja
Yew sap west coast style 32/26″ (No. 117) Tags bendy handle, naked handle, paddle bow, painted belly, side nock, symmetric, west coast, yew
Osage big paddle 76 /26″ (No. 112) Tags cord wrap handle, flatbow, fumed, horn tip overlay, osage, paddle bow
osage sinewed shorty with static recurves (No. 71) BUILDALONG Tags bendy handle, osage, paddle bow, painted back, sinew backing, static recurve
osage sinewed shorty with static recurves (No. 71) Tags osage, paddle bow, painted back, sinew backing, static recurve
yew west coast paddle 58#/22″ (No. 26) Tags bendy handle, flipped tips, indian bow, leather wrapp, osage, paddle bow, painted back, sinew backing, symmetric, west coast, yew
Elm west coast 53#/26″ (No. 17) Tags bendy handle, elm, indian bow, leather wrapp, paddle bow, painted back, self nock, shortbow (<50), sinew backing, static recurve, symmetric, west coast
juniper west coast style bow, HLD (No. 7) Tags bendy handle, HLD, hollow limb design, indian bow, paddle bow, shortbow (<50), sinew nock, symmetric, west coast